Weight Management


Our Weight Management DNA Profiling helps you to have a clearer understanding of the genetic factors that can increase predisposition towards overweight or obesity. It provides information of genetic profile which is related to wellness and fitness, cardiovascular disease and metabolic disorders, drug response and adverse drug reactions.

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Product Description

Malaysia has the highest prevalence of obesity among adults in Southeast Asia. In the 2019 National Health and Morbidity Survey, 50.1 percent of our adult population were reported to be overweight (30.4 percent) or obese (19.7 percent).


Compared with normal-weight individuals, obesity increases the risks of type 2 diabetes by sevenfold in men and 12-fold in women. Besides, an obese individual has an 81 percent higher risk of heart disease and 64 percent for stroke.


Our Weight Management DNA Profiling helps you to have a clearer understanding of the genetic factors that can increase predisposition towards overweight or obesity. It provides information of genetic profile which is related to wellness and fitness, cardiovascular disease and metabolic disorders, drug response and adverse drug reactions.


Our Wellness and Fitness DNA Profiling screens across 154 genes in the DNA and identifies relevant genetic markers that are associated with:

  • response towards nutrition and dietary supplements
  • metabolism of nutrients
  • weight management
  • cellular detoxification
  • antioxidant capacity
  • skin aesthetics
  • response to exercise
  • susceptibility towards injuries related to physical activities


Our Cardiovascular Diseases and Metabolic Disorders DNA Profiling screens for 67 genes that are linked with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and metabolic disorders such as heart attack, stroke and diabetes.

Our PGx DNA Profiling helps you to identify drug response, adverse drug reactions and to determine the right medication and right dose for you according to your personal genetic profile. The advantages of our PGx DNA Profiling include:

  • Obtain optimal drug therapy from the start
  • Avoid trial-and-error treatment approach
  • Reduce treatment failures
  • Minimise negative side effects
  • Save time and reduce costs
  • Help with future medication needs, if necessary


Obesity in Malaysia is a ticking time bomb. Every individual shall maintain a healthy body weight so to minimise risks of chronic diseases through personalised diet regimen and active lifestyle based on unique genetic profiles.


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